For Lovers Only

For Lovers Only

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

No Bliss in Ignorance...

For me, it's a lot more difficult to be simple than it is to be complex.

Most of the time it's more important for people to feel as though they are popular, liked by strangers, colleagues, that at the end of the day don't mean much, than it is for them to say something or think something different.
Though maybe I think too much, I acknowledge that, but I don't mind because you don't have all this time you were promised. Life can be over in a whisper, and if you do what you don't want to do for long enough you forget who you are really quickly and once you've lost yourself to societal constructs, pressures and possessions your life might as well be over.

Life, what is it?
You wouldn't be able to tell by looking that most people you pass by are alive. Because they don't look like they're alive and they don't act like it.

If I could tell you all that I feel and all that I think in a single moment you wouldn't be able to breathe.
I've just gotten used to it-

The touch of the breeze on my neck as I talk to him, clouds passing in the background in shapes that God creates, each breath mine and his, the feeling of my heart pushing blood around my body, my eyelids heavy with love, eyelashes touching the soft skin just below my brow, moisture drying on my lips, how it calms me to touch my thumb to my baby finger when we talk, the thickness of the air between us, the whole world, the universe and all the planets willing me to step closer.
Then my thoughts on top of that, those are secret.
It's all exhausting that I feel so much and see so many details, notice all the littlest things that to me are the most important. But it's like I'm lost, because no one else sees any of it.
The little messages life leaves behind, beautiful little everyday things that drip from all that surrounds us.

I know how much I feel, particularly for you.
I take a deep breath, and realise at the same time I don't know anything, about the world or what it's about, as though I was just born. All I know is what I feel and that I'm open and seeking to learn as much as I can while I'm here, from whoever is willing to teach me. 

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