For Lovers Only

For Lovers Only

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Dark Days...

The dust from the moon settles on me as I rest.
In and out I breath, hoping this is finally the end.

Once I was so scared I held my breath until I passed out.
Reality set in covering me up to my lips in doubt.

When I finally spoke, my words fell into a dark room.
No one was there to pick them up,
I wandered into the past alone.

I like to wait there for the day to end.
At least I already know what happens and I don't have to pretend.

I go back to all the places that hurt me the most,
to see how strong I really am
and remind myself of what matters most.

But as I walk the day and step in and out of light,
I see all these shadows that should have been there in stead of I.

Maybe that's a bad thing to think,
but maybe they don't know.
How precious life is, until its taken from under them,
before they've had a chance to grow.

What's all this waiting,
you don't have all this time
that was promised when you were born
a tragedy if you don't get time to walk the line?

But what is the line?
When you're forced to conform.
Where's all the adventure, the risks, the child in us that dies before we even know.

Then I'm out of breath and my vision starts to blur.
My eye lids are heavy but no sleep comes to me, so I defer
thinking of how much I want to go and be with them
and try to promise myself I won't.