For Lovers Only

For Lovers Only

Friday, 26 June 2015


Underneath the day night awaits.
Whispering words of encouragement to the setting sun.
The moment between days is my most favourite.
Though sometimes you have to leave the city to see the stars.

I have this restlessness in my heart, that's made a home now,
I can't see it leaving.
Though with all that's going on, I understand,
That I'll never, ever be a part of that plan.

I stand back and wonder,
watch and be still.
Listening to all the things that can teach me.

The night whispers words of wisdom, as darkness tempts.
I step close, press my ear against,
the Earth,
I can hear it breathing,
seeping us all in life. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Destination Unknown...

Back to the beginning,
before I was hurt,
before I knew what flowed under my skin.
Each breath was free,

I see my past now as a forrest,
dead trees scattered throughout.
I walk by.
The new trees with their fresh bark and scent of pine remind me of who I really am.
Remind me that there's a place beyond,
where I don't have to hold still and walk in straight lines.
Where white picket fences don't exist, and we're not all so trained,
not to find,


We forget where we're from,
where we started at.
Walking carefully the outline of life,
never stepping in fully.
Never feeling the breeze, 
of that plunge from the verge.
Maybe why our heart is so close to breaking?
Maybe why we can't find anyone to sing our song?


The trap awaits.
I stand by,
as they fall.
There's a distant echo.
From a height leaves slip,
twirling to the ground.

The night is fragile,
like a whisper never heard.
A trickle of rain against a branch in a lonely forrest. 

I'm the only one by myself,
though many more feel alone. 
At least I'm not pretending.

Twilight hangs in the sky,
waiting for my gaze,
as though its existence depends on people noticing.
Who depends on me?


Yesterday I died.
All the sadness finally crushed me into nothing. 
No one noticed that I was gone, above the roar of the waves
that took me back home. 

I savoured the salty taste on my tongue,
of an ocean I knew so well. 
My last breath but a whisper in the black velvet night,
as my favourite blue took me under.
(A photograph from one of my favourite artists- Kyle Thompson)

Letting Go...

Somewhere in my mind,
the thought of you, like a flame
in the future.
I wonder if you exist and if you will love me like I've imagined you will.
Then I finally see...
in the distance, and I'm ready to give up everything.
All that never was.  

You're a Drop in my Ocean, I Never Knew I Would Find...

Rest on me.

Nothing feels like the ocean,
its reassuring ebb and flow.
I can't fault its changing tides, like life.
In a whisper,
the sound,
the sight,
the touch.
Nothing is more contemplative.
I watch,
close my eyes.

Saturday, 13 June 2015


I'm watching all that happens,
all the things,
behind my eyes,
projected like a dream.

I see you walking the day.
I wonder what you're doing out so late.
When the lights are too bright you can't see.

I kiss the air,
knowing everyday since I was born its given me life,
though never asks for nothing in return.

I kiss the night.
Alone, I am.
The only one up,
writing, living, seeking

You all fit into life so well,
fall right into it
into the rhythm, the sickening step, without your heart even skipping a beat.  

Don't Tell...

The edge of evening pulls a velvet cloak across the sky.
Everything goes so dark so quickly.
You lay me down.
A slight breeze drips through my window,
kissing my neck without invitation.
I shiver with the cold.

You come down to me.
Your body moving over mine like a warm river.
I shiver,
for different reasons all together.
I close my eyes for a moment and I'm lost.
Every experience and all the happiness I've felt in my life pours down over me,
covering us both in tiny beads of rain.
I move my fingertips down the curve of your back feeling all the muscles moving to get closer as you press against me.

I wait for the sky to tear open and pull me into heaven,
when it does you hold me the whole way through.  

Wednesday, 10 June 2015


From a young age we're taught not to think for ourselves. There's this presumption that we're bad and if left to our own devices we will do bad things, so therefore we're taught we need rules to govern us and regulate our behaviour, our passions, our drives. For so long this is drummed into us, crushing our creativity. We end, unable to critique, unable to remember what it's like outside the cage.
We're taught to hold back our feelings, not to get angry and not to cry, to the point where our emotional experience is so far removed from what is natural to us that we don't know ourselves, and are confused about what we want, what our heart desires and who we are.

Human beings are so intelligent, though we sell ourselves short. Hypnotised by all that shines, brainwashed consumers who truly believe that money and material wealth will bring us happiness. So we stress ourselves out, work long hours, at jobs we can't stand, all so we can maintain a certain lifestyle, adjusting it each pay rise, and so it continues.
We're so busy and stressed that we don't have time to see the day and what beauty it offers, what promise. We don't hold onto moments between friends, loved ones, strangers, because we don't see them, we're so out of touch.

If we could only realise that things don't bring us happiness, people do. Happiness comes from within, it comes from being still and understanding ourselves independent of anyone or anything else. It comes from moments shared, a glance that goes on a little too long, a tear that falls without reason, raw emotion. If only we could reach out and grasp it all, we could be so fulfilled.

We have an illusion of separateness, this thought that we are away from each other, and that the purpose of life is to compete and attain material success at the cost of our human relationships.
We're so far away from ourselves and the soul of the Earth from which we came, how will we ever find our way back to connectedness in such pitch black darkness?